Monday, December 15, 2008

The One For You

"In your mind you prolly thinkin we don't love you but on the real we just not used to what love do and please consider that we were taught to love money, ice, cars and clothes love pussy but you don't love them hoes" Lil Wayne 

You wouldn't believe how much I hear females complain about they nigga problems, he aint doin this , he aint doin that.  Did it ever cross your mind that he doesn't know what you want or expect from him?  As males we are told to never cry, show emotions that you have to be strong.  After being told that and acting accordingly there isn't a switch that just be turned off and instantly become what you expect him to be.  The Wayne quote above, is a general statement but pretty much the truth.  

My father growing up encouraged my brother and I to "get on females", giving us incentives if we got her number. My mother recently told me that I am too young to be worried about a girlfriend and I need to go be hoe. So with that in mind how do you expect us to be? From birth males and females are taught totally different game plans when it comes to dating and dealing with the opposite sex.  Every female is told that she is special and that she deserves the best, so now she's out looking for this Prince Charming that just doesn't exist. I will say that the B.O.B (bruhs over bitches) and A.O.B (all on a bitch) mindset does nothing for either of us, but it is something thats real and has to be dealt with.

For those of you females that feel that there are no good dudes out there, you can thank yourselves for that.  It isn't that there aren't good guys, the problem is that somewhere in his past he was probably done wrong and as a result of that he's not going to let that happen again. Or, like I previously stated he just doesn't fit all the criteria that you're looking for (as if you're perfect).  Then we have the female that feels she is oh so solid but just can't find a guy thats going to treat her right.  Your problem is that you're probably attracted to the kinda guys that have the A.O.B and B.O.B state of mind or maybe your not as solid as you think. Either way something has to change.

All I really wanted to say is don't be so closed minded, you never know what kind of guy you might meet once you loose your list of things that you're looking for.  Don't put materialistic values over a man's character and integrity.


D.Nastee said...

Once again bruh...This Is another superbly written Article!!! Not many people give both sides of the spectrum!! FUCKIN GENIUS!

Eb the Celeb said...

what I dont understand is why men...know that they care for a woman... and will yet let her go because he is that guarded and that fearful to open up and give an inkling of how he feels

suga said...

Drew are you serious?

First you say that men are raised differently, which leads to men not knowing how to love women. I do agree with that up to a certain point. I honestly think that there are too many Black men out there who dont have a model of "love" to follow. We have so many broken families within our communities. If a boy never see's his father love his mother, of course he's going to be clueless when it comes time for him to be a man. The same goes for little girls never seeing their father love their mother.

But then you turn around and say, "For those of you females that feel that there are no good dudes out there, you can thank yourselves for that. It isn't that there aren't good guys, the problem is that somewhere in his past he was probably done wrong and as a result of that he's not going to let that happen again.

So all women do is go around breaking guys hearts? Yeah right. EVERYBODY deals with heartbreak in their life. That doesn't give men the right to act like a donkey when they get a good woman in their life lol Men are so damn sensitive, it's ridiculous. Ya'll might as well CRY because acting out on every woman that comes after the one that broke your heart, is the same as throwing a temper tantrum.

Mofos need to just grow the eff up!

And no, I'm not yelling at you. lol That's just my opinion on how childish both men and women act in relationships.

Angie said...

I disagree with placing the blame on females for your actions. Who knows what the reasons are for men getting in relationships when they really want to mess with hella females because they were taught to be 'hoes' and who knows why females have these unrealistic standards of men and why some are 'not solid'. We can't place blame. That does nothing. All you can do is change and work on yourself.

Be someone who you would want your sister or daughter to date. And just how you said females might date the wrong guys, GUYS may date the wrong women!!! Men buy expensive cars, nice clothes, pop bottles, jewelry, get haircuts, etc to impress FEMALES!!!!! So NATURALLY you're gonna attract a materialistic female!!!

What I am tryna say is that the blame goes both ways. Get out of that 'nigga' mindset and get into the mindset of a 'MAN'.