Thursday, December 11, 2008

I Roc Wit Obama but I Aint No Politician

I was up having a late night convo wit a good friend of mine as i tend to do from time to time and we started discussing "winning" in the game of life and how there are so many obstacles that us as black males have to over come.  After many twists in turn in our disscussion, we end up talking about how Jay Z and Barack Obama are similar more than they are different.  Instantly they Kanye West lyrics (his lyrics will be a reoccurring thing for me on this blog) "he went from being a broke man to being the dope man to being the president, look there's hope man".  No Barack never hustled on the block or nothing like that but he did come from humble begginnings. Both grew up without a fathers and had make their own paths throughout life.  They both took different paths but both ended up being very successful and are considered pioneers, the best at what they do.  

Hov has taken a different approach to the rap game and the same can be said about Obama.  On the outside things can look peaceful and serene but that couldnt be further from the truth.  im not talking about anything specific that has to deal with these two men, what im talking about is pain and agony that goes along with being a black male.

Who better than a black male like myself to talk about this subject.  Not throwing myself a pity party or anything but we do have it hard.  At times it feels as if I the only way out of our situation is to have either a ball of some sort or a mic in our hand, not taking anything away from Obama but I personally don't feel that his getting elected will change any of that in the near future.  I know people that have lived in 4 different states, i repeat 4 different states and still can't get a job.  I know you're probably thinking that he's had to have caught some F's (felonies) or something but no, the only constant thing here is that he can't get a job.  I don't wanna hear shit about no recession either cuz bruh been on the prowl for a min now, but i digress.  

I will say that the country has come along way from the days of having high powered water hoses and police dogs attacks but for all additions there are so many subtractions.  I'm a firm believer in that whenever you have a problem look within before looking to place the blame on anyone else.  Don't get me wrong anyone that knows me knows that Drewsky is the life of the party and loves to get on, but I do understand that there is a time and place for everything.  We all are projects that are constantly being worked on and hopefully attempting to get better, i just hope that we are able to look at the past and present so we will be able to build the future that we all wish and hope for.  I'm bout to get up outta here, as i always say I wanna see everybody eat and make sure i shout out my patna cole for always bein there. So continue to put your family first (i know i will).


Anonymous said...

As a young black chick I have made it one of my lifes quests to uplift the spirits of all black men who are in my life.while its very hard at times cause of the lack of care young guys have towards anything let alone females but it brings me joy seeing them succeed.while I'm proud of obama it is jays words that helps me through the tough times(his earlier works of course).anyway,insightful post drewsky keep it up!

Ms. Aly B said...

I am actually diggin this post. Very insightful, I would have never thought about this topic at all... Keep me posted...

Ms. Aly B

Kelli Center said...

i must agree brohammed...pretty insightful. and although times is pretty tough nowadays, i also feel that part of the problem is that folks try to be picky about what type of job they get, feeling they are too good for a certain job, versus doing good until they can do better...just my opinion, though.

duwutulike said...

i agree wit you. and barack, (is it saying something that the whole world feels they are on a fist name basis with the man?) let me change that to president obama, has said it many times himself; he is not a civil rights leader. i dont expect any change in the black community by the end of his term unless that change comes from within the black community. also i lovve how u refered to not having, "high powered water hoses and police dogs," attack us as a plus! that just goes to show how fucked up shit is. something that SHOULD be a basic neutrality is actually veiwed by the black community as plus! great mark of pregression in the civil rights movement however.(which like hasnt gone anywhere since) what were jay n obeeZy doin on stage together anyway??