Sunday, December 7, 2008

Can a nigga get some peace!

As I am about to log in to yahoo to check my email I notice a picture of President Elect Barack Obama with the title "Obama's smoking issue". Me being the nigga I am instantly think that he's blowing dro (weed), eagerly I click on the link to see that the issue is with him smoking cigarettes.  The first thing that pops in my head is if i was the first black president of this racist ass country I'd fa sho be smoking a whole lot more than cigarettes! 

President-elect Barack Obama appears during a taping of 'Meet the Press' Saturday, Dec. 6, 2008, in Chicago (AP Photo/Meet The Press, Alex Wong)   I feel that we as a country have a lot more serious issues to deal with to be worried bout him smoking cigarettes. I say let the nigga smoke his newports and go on bout his business.

In the harsh light of the morning after his sentencing, O.J. Simpson's future was clear on Saturday.
 In another case of letting a nigga get some peace, they wasn't gone rest til they OJ and they got his dumb ass too. What kind nigga would go to jail for stealin pictures of his own self.  Somebody shoulda took his ass to town photo if he wanted his own picture that damn bad!

You know I couldn't get outta here without talking bout Plaxico Burress' ass.  For those of you who don't know who he is or what he did, here is a link to an article    Plaxico Burress NY Giants gun shot thigh arraignmentNot only did he shoot himself with his own gun, he got suspended for the rest of the year and to add insult to injury he got arrested! I say shootin yo self and not gettin paid is enough punishment in itself, but the mayor of New York is pushing for Burress to aggressively prosecuted.  On top of all that the nigga teammate snitchin! 

All I can say damn, after all the shit we done been through, Can a nigga get some peace!


Robbin Rae said...

now that is some funny shit! I was trippin off that same Obama article, like...are they serious? I don't remember Yahoo having no big headlines about W's crack addiction!
Damn...can a nigga get some peace????LOL

suga said...

This was hilarious!